Pensioners data for Medical facility with National Health Authority (NHA)

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1 Circular for submission of Pensioners data for Medical facility with National Health Authority (NHA).
2 Submission of NHA data (as per Revised format) by Pensioner for Medical facility.

Director's Profile

Dr. Kalimuthusamy stepped in as the Director of the Indian Council of Medical Research Regional Medical Research Centre Northeast (ICMR-RMRCNE) in the winter of 2023. As the nodal Institute in biomedical research, it serves as the central hub linking all Northeastern States of India.

Dr. Kalimuthusamy's research interests involve a comprehensive understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms associated with the progression of infectious and inflammatory diseases. He started his research career studying the prevalence of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease in tropical countries. He was working for almost two decades on leptospirosis and conducted pioneering work in this field. His team developed newer diagnostics (mSphere, 2020; Scientific Reports, 2017; PloS One, 2015) and vaccination strategies for leptospirosis (Scientific Reports, 2018). During his tenure as a full Professor at Bharathidasan University, he served as the Chair of the Department of Microbiology. Dr. Kalimuthusamy has mentored 18 graduate students and 4 postdoctoral, who have gone on to have independent laboratories. His laboratory was well funded by research grants from several funding agencies in India, including the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the Department of Science and Technology (DST), and the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Dr. Kalimuthusamy received funding for exchange visits from the Department of Biotechnology (2008-2009) and the Department of Health (DHR) Indian Council of Medical Research (2012-2013) and visited the Gluck Medical Centre at University of Kentucky and the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, USA where he gained expertise in genomic Libraries, big data analysis and the important secondary messenger the calcium to predict the molecular pathogenesis by Ca 2+ imaging in live cells, ex vivo, in vivo, and fixed tissues by confocal microscopy, molecular techniques, protein chemistry and generation of transgenic mouse models. His specialized expertise in Ca 2+ signalling and mitochondrial bioenergetics propelled him to become a visiting scientist at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine, where he contributes to the Department of Neuroscience and Gene Editing in HIV/cocaine induced disease conditions.

At Temple University, Dr. Kalimuthusamy was involved in discovering the molecular mechanism that regulates glial metabolism during HIV infection and drug abuse. He recently showed how HIV/cocaine modulates mitochondrial Ca 2+ and glial metabolism (Cell Death and Disease, 2018), disrupts astrocytic cholesterol homeostasis (Glia, 2018), and cellular energy metabolism (Progress in Neurobiology, 2019). He investigated for the first time the previously unexplored pathway of metabolic switch in astrocytes and identified a novel contributor to the pathogenesis of HAND in the context of HIV infection/cocaine use. Also, newly shown TNFα- mediated activation of MEF2A via increased cellular calcium-induced PINCH expression in neurons. The induced PINCH expression disrupted the PIP ternary complex, cofilin activation by TESK1 inactivation, and actin depolymerization (Translational Neurodegeneration, 2020). His primary research focus is to understand the mechanism by which mitochondrial Ca 2+ overload and oxidative stress are causal factors for the development of mitochondrial malfunction in neurological diseases and in aging. Intensely studied the molecular mechanism and regulation of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) complex by proteins, ions, and redox signaling. Multiple lines of evidence indicate Ca 2+ to be a versatile ion of the mitochondria as it stimulates ATP production, shapes, and cytosolic Ca 2+ oscillations, contributes to spatial positioning, cell differentiation, and cell maturation, and can trigger cell death. Mitochondrial calcium overload is observed in a wide range of pathology, including neurodegeneration and ischemic injury, and mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake may be central to physiology and disease in CNS (Ageing Research Reviews, 2020; Science Signaling, 2020; Nature Communications, 2018; Cell Reports, 2013).

Dr. Kalimuthusamy is currently leading research projects on communicable and non- communicable diseases in the northeastern region.

He is closely monitoring disease prevalence and outbreak situations and working on implementing disease interventions to achieve One Health and ensure the health benefits for the entire community of NER. His team is involved in studying molecular intervention strategies for lipid trafficking linking neurons and astrocytes in the brain during HIV/cocaine abuse, as well as mitochondrial SLC25A citrate carriers. They have implemented interventions to reduce perinatal transmission of HIV in the Northeastern region to achieve the National target. The group is also identifying unique bioenergetics profiles and mitochondrial function in tea garden workers to study the underlying mechanisms of mitochondrial bioenergetic crisis in noncommunicable diseases. This research will help in intervening and reducing the prevalence of diseases such as HT, CVD, and Anaemia, which are the prevailing problems associated with this region of our country.



Sl No.ParticularsDownload
1 Visit of Hon’ble Secretary, DHR & DG, ICMR to ICMR- RMRCNE, Dibrugarh
2 Celebrate World TB Day, 2024

Previous Publication

  1. Dutta P, Baruah BD. Incrimination of Anopheles minimus Theobald as a Vector of malaria in Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J. Malariol.1987; 24:159-162
  2. Balgir R S, Sharma SK. Distribution of sickle cell haemoglobin in India. Indian J. Hemat. 1988 ; 6 : 1-14
  3. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Dutta LP. Incrimination of Anopheles dirus, Peyton and Harrison (A balabacensis)as a vector of malaria in Dibrugarh district, Assam Indian J Malariol1989; 26 :149-152
  4. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Sharma CK, Dutta LP. The importance of Anopheles dirus (A. balabacensis) as vector of Malaria in North East India. Indian J Malariol 1989;26 : 95-101.
  5. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Dutta LP. Malaria among bednet users and non-users. Indian J. Malariol.1989; 26 : 171-172.
  6. Balgir RS., Dutta LP. Distribution of genetic markers in the Mongoloid tribal populations of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus1990; 8 : 51-55
  7. Balgir RS, Dutta LP. Studies on genetic polymorphism in relation to malaria in tea gardens of Dibrugarh District, Assam. Indian J. Malariol.1990; 27 : 237-241
  8. Dutta .P, Bhattacharyya DR. Malaria survey in some parts of Namsang circle of Tirap district Arunachal Pradesh. J. Commun Dis.1990; 22:92-97
  9. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Dutta LP. Epidemiological observation on malaria in some parts of Tengakhat Primary Health Centre under Dibrugarh district of Assam. Indian J Malariol 1991;28 :121-128
  10. Kumar S, Dutta LP. Dietary risk factor, Curr Sci 1991 ;61: 495
  11. Satyanarayana S, Sharma SK, Chelleng PK, Dutta P, Dutta LP, Yadav RNS : Chloroquine resistant P.falciparum in Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J Malariol. 1991 ;28 :137-140
  12. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Sharma CK, Dutta LP. Anopheline fauna of some part of Tirap district, Arunachal Pradesh with particular reference to malaria transmission. Indian J Med Res.1992; 9 : 245-249
  13. Kumar S, Zinyu R, Chetia M. Dutta LP. Genotoxic effect of smoke-dried meat extract in Swiss albino mice using spermhead shape abnormality test. Cancer letters1992; 64 : 51-53
  14. Balgir RS. Blood Groups, G-6-PD Enzyme and Hemoglobin studies among the three endogenous population of Assam. Indian J Hematal Blood Transfus1993; XI :237-243
  15. Kumar S. Studies of toxic effects of radiation and anticancer drugs in mammals - an approach for their prevention. Proc Acad Environ Biol 1993; 2 : 105-114
  16. Baruah HC, Kumar S, Satyanarayana K. Inapparent infection of Japanese encephalitis among population of Karbi Anglong district of Assam. J Commun Dis 1993;25 :83- 85.
  17. Baruah HC, Dutta LP, Khan SA. Sero conversion profile of sentinal pigs and its relation to endemicity pattern of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in Assam. J Commun Dis 1993;25: 151-155
  18. Dutta P, Dev V, Bhattacharyya DR. Anopheline fauna and malaria incidence in Changlang district (Arunachal Pradesh) Indian J. Malariol 1993; 30 : 135-143
  19. Sharma SK, Satyanarayana S,Yadav RNS, Dutta LP. Screening of Coptis teeta for antimalarial effect : A preliminary report. Indian J Malariol,1993; 30:179-181
  20. Mahanta J.Drug sensitivity of Salmonella paratyphi 'A' Isolated from a suspected outbreak of enteric fever in Duliajan J Indian Med Asson. 1994; 92: 49-50
  21. Narain K, Mahanta J, Dutta R, Dutta P. Paddy field dermatitis in Assam : A cercarial dermatitis. J Commun Dis1994; 26 :26-30
  22. Bhattacharyya DR, Handique R, Dutta LP, Dutta P. Doloi P, Goswami BK, Sharma CK , Mahanta J. Host feeding pattern of Culex vishnui sub group of mosquitoes in Dibrugarh district of Assam. J Commun Dis 1994; 26 : 133-138
  23. Wairagkar NS, Das J., Kumar S, Mahanta J, Satyanarayana K, Phukan RK, Goswami SK . Codeine containing cough syrup addiction in Assam and Nagaland Indian J Psychiatry.1994; 36 :129-132
  24. Sharma SK, Chelleng PK, Phukan RK ,Hazarika D. Outreach of Iodized salt in rural households of Assam, J Hum Ecol 1994 ;5 :237-239
  25. Sharma SK, Phukan RK, Chelleng PK, Gogoi S, Yadav RNS. Preliminary study on iodine nutritional status in a Sub-Himalayan zone of Assam. Ind J Physiol & Allied Sci 1994 ;48: 123-127
  26. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Goswami BK. Some observation on malaria in Boko PHC of Kamrup district, Assam. J Commun Dis 1994; 26: 52-55
  27. Bhattacharyya DR, Dutta P, Mahanta J, Srivastava VK. Acarine parasites of mosquitoes in upper Assam. Indian J. Parasitol 1994 ;17: 79-81
  28. Mahanta J, Kumar S, Chelleng PK, Srivastava VK. Clinico epidemiological profile of nasophoryngeal carcinoma in North-East India. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 1994;37:(suppl),126
  29. Mahanta J, Narain K, Srivastava VK. Clonorchiasis in Assam. Indian J Med Microbiol 1995 ; 13 (4) : 204 - 205
  30. Bhattacharryya DR, Dutta P,Khan SA, Doloi P,Goswami BK. Biting cycles of some potential vector mosquitoes of Japanese encephalitis of Assam,India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1995; 26 : 177-179
  31. Mahanta J, Narain K, Srivastava VK. Heterophyid eggs in human stool samples in Assam : First Report from India. J Commun Dis 1995; 27: 142-145
  32. Bhattachayya DR, Tewari SC, Dutta P, Mahanta J. Description of the larva and pupa of Aedes (Aedimorphus) nigrostriatus (Diptra : Culicidae). Mosq Syst 1995 ;27: 191-196
  33. Dutta P, Mahanta J. Incrimination of Anopheles minimus as a vector of malaria in Karbi Anglong district of Assam, Indian J. Malariol1995; 32:129-131
  34. Hazarika A, Chelleng PK, Satyanarayana K, MahantaJ. HIV infection among the high risk group of Upper Assam. J.Commun Dis 1995, 27: 15-18
  35. Dutta P,Gogoi BK, Chelleng PK, Bhattacharyya DR, Khan SA, Goswami BK, Mahanta J. Filariasis in labour population of a tea estate in Upper Assam. Indian J Med Res1995 ; 101: : 245-246
  36. Mohapatra PK, Prakash A, Das H K, Mahanta J, Srivastava VK. Malaria outbreak in lower Assam : an epidemiological appraisal . J Parasitic Dis 1995 ;19:175-178
  37. Chetia M, Mahanta J,Sharma SK. Toxic effect of tender and fermented ripe betel nuts. J Environ Biol 1996 ;17:251- 256
  38. Bhattacharyya DR, Handique R, Prakash A,Sharma CK, Mahanta J, Srivastava VK. A preliminary report on the immature mosquito survey in Dibrugarh town of Assam. J Commun Dis .1996;28 :62-63
  39. Bhattacharyya DR,Handique R, Dutta LP, Prakash A, Dutta P, Mahanta J, Srivastava VK. Insecticide susceptibility status of potential vectors of Japanese encephalitis of Dibrugarh District, Assam. J.Commun Dis 1996; 28: 67-69
  40. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Current insecticide susceptibility status of Anopheles minimus Theoblad in Assam. J.Commun Dis 1996; 28: 143-145
  41. Mahanta J, Baruah U, Sharma Bordoloi JN, Baruah HC. Japanese encephalitis virus antibody among normal individual of Dibrugarh area, Upper Assam. J.Commun Dis 1996; 28: 181-184
  42. Prakash A, Mohapatra PK, Srivastava VK. Vector incrimination in Tamulpur Primary Health Centre, district Nalbari, lower Assam during malaria outbreak 1995. Indian J Med Res 1996;103 :146-149
  43. Narain K, Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mahanta J . Endoparasitic Hymenostome ciliate, a potential bio-control agent, naturally infecting anopheline larvae in Assam. A preliminary report, J. Commun Dis 1996; 28 : 139-142
  44. Khan AM, Gupta S, Katiyar JC , Srivastava VK . Correlation between degree of protection and humoral antibody response in hammsters immunized with somatic and execratory antigen of Ancylostoma clylanicum. Indian J Exp Biol 1996; 34 : 1015-1018
  45. Mohapatra PK, Khan AM, Prakash,A Mahanta J, Srivastava VK. Effect of Arteether alpha beta on uncomplicated falciparum cases in Upper Assam. Indian J. Med Res 1996; 104 : 284-287
  46. Nayak HK, Das HK, Mahanta J, Srivastava VK. An outbreak of acute diarrhoeal diseases caused by E. coli in a tea garden of Upper Assam, J Commun Dis 1996; 28: 209-211
  47. Khan SA, Narain K, Handique R, Dutta P, Mahanta J, Satyanarayana K, Srivastava VK. Role of some environmental factors in modulating seasonal abundance of potential J.E vectors in Assam, India, Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1996; 27: 382-391
  48. Chelleng PK, Sharma SK, Phukan RK, Hazarika D. An Epidemiological survey of endemic goitre and cretinism in Sibsagar district of Assam, Indian J Prev Soc Med 1996; 27 :27-32
  49. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Mahanta J. Feeding pattern of Anopheles dirus the major vector of forest malaria in North East India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1996; 27: 378-381
  50. Dutta P, Mahanta J. Response of P. falciparum to chloroquine in Digboi area of Assam, India. J Commun Dis 1996;28 212-214
  51. Baruah HC, Mohapatra PK, Kire M, Pegu DK, Mahanta J. Haemorrhagic manifestation associated with dengue virus infection in Nagaland. J Commun Dis 1996; 28: 301-303
  52. Baruah HC, Mahanta J. Serological edidence of Den-2 activity in Assam and Nagaland . J Commun Dis 1996 ; 28: 56 - 58
  53. Mohapatra PK, Prakash A, Khan AM, Bhattacharyya DR, Goswami BK, Mahanta J. Evaluation of a manual immunochromatographic test for detection of Plasmodium falciparum HRP-2 Antigen , Indian J Med Microbiol 1996, 14(4) : 193-195
  54. Mahanta J, Alger J, Bordoloi P. Eye infection with Thelazia species. Indian J Ophthalmol 1996; 44: 99-101
  55. Mahanta J, Narain K, Srivastava VK. Intestinal Parasitic infestation in a rural population of Upper Assam. J Parasitic Dis. 1996; 20 : 57-58
  56. Narain K, Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mahanta J. Endroparasitic Hymenostome Ciliate a Potential Biocontrol Agent, Naturally Infecting Anopheline Larvae Report J Commun Dis 1996 ; 28 (2) : 139 -142
  57. Kumar S, Wairagkar NS, Mahanta J, Satyanarayana K, Chetia M, Phukan RK, Goswami SK. Profile of heroin addicts in Nagaland, India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1996; 27:382-391
  58. Kumar S, Zinyu R,Singh IKK, Medhi BS, Baruah T, Das B, Dutta LP. Studies of nasopharyangeal carcinoma with reference to the North East region of India. Annl Natl Acad Med Sci(India) 1996;32:199-208
  59. Bhaskrani C, Mahanta J. Kitchen garden as a source of Vitamin A status of Children. Indian J Nutr Diet 1996;33:193-195
  60. Prakash A, Bhatttacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Studies on bionomics of Anophelies dirus Peyton and Harrison 1979 (Diptera:Culicidae) in Assam, India. (V.P.Sharma, K.Satyanarayana and A.P.Dash eds) Proceeding of Second Symposium on Vector and Vector Borne Diseases, National Academy of Vector Borne Diseases, Bhubeneswar 1997:236-246
  61. . Dutta P, Sharma CK, Khan SA, Mahanta J. Laboratory colonization and maintenance of Toxorhynchites splendens (Diptera:Culicidae) with a note on its larval preying capacity. Entomon 1997; 22 :51-54
  62. Khan SA, Narain K, Dutta P, Handique R, Srivastava VK , Mahanta J. Biting behaviour and biting rhythm of potential Japanrse encephalities vectors in Assam. J Commun Dis1997; 29:109-120
  63. Narain K, Biswas D, Rajguru SK, Mahanta J. Human distomatosis due to Fasciola hepatica infection in Assam, India. J Commun Dis 1997; 29: 161-165
  64. Prakash A, Mohapatra PK, Bhattacharyya DR, Doloi P, Mahanta J. Changing malaria endemicity - a village based study in Sonitpur, Assam J Commun Dis 1997; 29: 175- 178
  65. Gogoi T, Mahanta J , Seth MK. Mushroom poisoning during sixteen week of pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol India 1997; 47:257-258
  66. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Narain K, Mahan ta J. Lambornella (a ciliate parasite) for biological control of Anopheles stephensi, the urban malaria vector. Curr Sci 1997;72: 547 - 548
  67. Prakash A, Bhatacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Mosquito abundance in peripheral foothill areas of Kaziranga national park, Golaghat, Assam. J Commun Dis 1997;29 : 303-306
  68. Mahanta J, Chatruvedi HK, Phukan RK. Opium addiction in Assam: a trend analysis. Indian J Psychiatry 1997;35: 143 - 146
  69. Sharma SK , Mahanta J. Loss of iodine from iodised salt during traditional way of storage in rural setup of Assam. J Hum Ecol (Special Issue) : 1997; 6: 225 - 227
  70. Dutta P, Goswami BK, Mahanta J. Multiple invasion of Erythro cytes by Plasmodium vivax -.a case report. Indian J Hematol Blood Trunfus. 1997; 15:38-39
  71. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, mahanta J. Breeding and day.resting habitats of Anopheles dirus s.1 (Diptera:Culicidae) in Assam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997; 28: 610-614
  72. Asthana OP, Srivastava JS, Pandey TK, Viswanath K, Gupta S, Valecha N, Srivastava VK, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J, Mohapatra MK, Nayak NC, Dev V, Singh N, Sukla MM, Balsara AB, Das B, Satpathy SK, Mohany S, Misra SK, Kamboj VP, Sharma VP. Clinical efficacy of arteethar in complicated and uncomplecated P. falciparum malaria. Indian J Pharmacol 1997; 29: (34).
  73. Mahanta J. Atypical presentation of filariasis : A case report. Indian Med J 1997; 91:159-160
  74. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Seasonal prevalence of Anopheles dirus and malaria transmission in a forest fringed village of Assam. Indian J Malarariol 1997; 34 : 117-125
  75. Dutta P, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Mahanta J. A report on entomological study and malaria vector incremination in Goalpara district of Assam. Indian J Malariol 1997; 34: 204-207
  76. Khan SA, Dutta P, Narain K, Handique R, Srivastava VK. Studies on day time resting habits of JE vector mosquitoes in Upper Assam with a note on insecticide susceptability status. J Commun Dis 1997; 29: 367-370
  77. Chatruvedi HK, Phukan RK, Mahanta J. Epidemiolocal studies on substance use among tribal population of Arunachal Pradesh. Ann.Natl.Acad.Med.Sci. (India). 1997; 33: 53-60
  78. Dutta P, Bhattacharyya DR, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Doloi P, Mahanta J. Day time resting behaviour and breeding habits of vectors mosquitoes of Japanese encephalities, malaria and filariasis in north east India. Mosq Borne Dis Bull 1997; 14 :1-6.
  79. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK and Mahanta J. Indoor biting behaviour of Anopheles dirusPeyton and Harrison, 1979 in Upper Assam, India. Mosq Borne Dis Bull 1997; 14: 31-37.
  80. Bhattacharyya DR, Prakash A, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. A note on the occurrence of Culex (Lophocenaomyia) peytoni and Heizmannia (Heizmannia) reidi in Assaam, India. (Diptera: Culicidae): J Am Mosq Cont Assoc 1998; 14 : 108
  81. Mohapatra PK, Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mahanta J. Malaria situation in North-Eastern Region of India. ICMR Bull 1998; 28: 21-30
  82. Chatruvedi HK, Phukan RK, Zoramthanga K, Hazarika NC, Mahanta J. Tobacco use in Mizoram : Socio demographical differences in pattern. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1998; 29:66-70
  83. Dutta P, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Doloi P, Hazarika NC, Mahanta J. Distribution of potential dengue vectors in major townships along the national highway and trunk roads of north east India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 1998;29:173-176
  84. Mahanta B, Dutta P, Handique H. Khan AM, Mahanta J. Socio-cultural habits among tea garden population of Assam in relation to filariasis transmission. J Hum Ecol 1998 9:187-190
  85. Chatruvedi HK, Phukan RK ,Mahanta J. Socioeconomic factors and fertility of rural women: A study in upper Assam. J Hum Ecol 1998; 9:177-180
  86. Kumar S, Mahanta J. Etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma Indian J Cancer. 1998; 35 :47-56
  87. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Studies on laboratory and field efficacy evaluation of a biocide formulation in Dibrugarh district(Assam). In (S.C.Goel ed.) Advances in Medical Entomology and Human Wlfare,1998; 1:21-27
  88. Chelleng PK, Mahanta J. Growth and development of tea garden children of Assam. J. Hum Ecol 1998; 9: 399-401.
  89. Khan AM, Dutta P, Khan SA, Baruah NK, Sharma CK, Mahanta J. Longterm effect of diethylcarbamazine citrate on microfilaraemia status in treated individuals. Indian J Med Res 1998; 108 : 134-138.
  90. Phukan RK, Mahanta J. A study of neonatal deaths in the tea gardens of Dibrugarh district of Upper Assam. J Indian Med Asso 1998; 96:333-334
  91. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR,Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. House frequenting and host seeking mosquitoes in a forest fringed village of district Dibrugarh, Assam. Entomon 1998;23:35-39
  92. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Mosquito fauna in a broken forest ecosystem of district Dibrugarh with up to date systematic list of mosquitotes recorded in Assam. Entomon 1998;23 :47-54
  93. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR,Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Anopheline fauna of the north-eastern stastes of India with note on vectors of malaria. Pro Nationl Acad Sci India 1998;68 :217-229
  94. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR,Mohapatra PK, Mahanta J. Insecticide susceptibility status of Anopheles dirus in Assam. J Commun Dis 1998;30 :62-63
  95. Mohapatra PK, Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mahanta J. Epidemiological importance of younger age group during malaria epidemic in PHC Tamilpur. J Commun Dis 1998; 30 :229-232
  96. Prakash A, Mohapatra PK, Das HK, Sharma R, Mahanta J. Bancroftian filariasis in Namrup tea estate, district Dibrugarh Assam. Indian J Pub Health 1998; 42:103-107 & 112
  97. Khan SA, Handique R, Tewari SC, Dutta P, Narain K, Mahanta J. Larval ecology and mosquito fauna of upper Brahmaputra valley, northeast India. Indian J Malariol 1998;35 131- 145
  98. Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR, Mohapatra PK,Mahanta J: Investigatioin on malaria vectors and mosquito fauna in south Tripura district , Tripura State. Indian J Malariol 1998; 35 :151-159
  99. Mahanta J, Chetia M, Hazarika NC, Narain K, Sharma SK, Toxicity of Tuibur , a unique form of tobacco smoke extract used in Mizoram , India. Cur Sci 1998; 75 :381- 384
  100. Narain K, Rajguru SK, Mahanta J. Incremination of Schistosoma spindale as a causative agent of farmer's in Assam with a note on liver pathology in mice. J Commun Dis 1998 ; 30 :1-6
  101. Mahanta J, Chetia M, Chelleng PK. The of salvia of betel,nut chewers on a plant test system (Allium cepa L) J Environ Biol 1999;20 :85-88
  102. Hussain T, Sharma SK,Mahanta J. Antibodies reacting with chloroquine in human sera. Indian J Med Res 1999; 109 :100-102
  103. Sharma SK, Chelleng PK,Gogoi S,Mahanta J. Iodine status of food and drinking water of sub Himalayan zone of India. Int. J Food Sc Nut 1999; 50 :95-98
  104. Khan AM, Dutta P, Baruah HC, Gogoi JN, Mahanta J. Preliminary report on breeding of Mastomys coucha (mutimammate rate) in north eastern part of India. Indian Vet J 1999;76 :440- 441
  105. Khan AM, Dutta P, Khan SA, Baruah NK, Sharma CK, Mahanta J. Bancroftian filariasis in a weaving community of lower Assam. J Commun Dis 1999; 31 :61-62
  106. Dutta P, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Doloi P, Mahanta J. Medically important mosquitoes of the world`s largest river island Majuli, Assam. Entomon 1999; 24 :33-39
  107. Khan AM, Dutta P, Khan SA, Baruah NK,Sharma CK, Mahanta J. Prevalence of bancroftian filariasis in a foot hill tea garden of Upper Assam. J Commun Dis 1999;31 : 145-146
  108. Khan AM, Dutta P, Khan SA, Mohapatra PK, Baruah NK, Sharma CK, Mahanta J Lymphatic filariasis in two district communities of upper Assam. J Commun Dis 1999; 31 :101-106
  109. Mohapatra PK, Prakash A, Bhattacharyya DR,Goswami BK, Mahanta J. Concurrent multidrug resistant Plasmodium falci parum from north east India. J Asson Physicians India 1999; 47:823-824
  110. Narain K, Mahanta J. Scanning electron microscopy of the Integumntal surface of Schistosoma spindale isolated during an outbreak of cercarial dermatitis in Assam, India. J Vet Parasitology 1999 ; 13 :103-106
  111. Mahanta B, Handique R, Dutta P, Mahanta J. Susceptibility status of adult and larvel Culex uinquefasciatus collected from tea garden of Assam to different insecticides. Geobios 1999 ; 26 :195-198
  112. Dutta P, Khan AM, Khan SA, Sharma CK, Mahanta J. Manmade environment and the risk of acquiring dengue in the north eastern part of India: an entomological perspective. J Hum. Ecol. 1999 ;10 :427-429
  113. P.Dutta, Khan AM, Mahanta J. Problem of malaria in relation to sociocultural diversity in some ethnic group oa Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. J Parasitic Dis 1999; 14(1-2) : 101-104
  114. Dutta P. Khan AM , Khan SA, Doloi P , Mahnta J. Solid waste pollution and breeding potential of dengue vectors in urban and industrial environmental of Assam. J Environ Biol 1999 ; 20 :343-345
  115. Biswas D, Hazarika NC, Hazarika D, Mahanta J. Prevalence of communicable diseases among restaurant workers along a highway in Assam, India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1999; 30(3): 539-541
  116. Baruah HC, Biswas D, Mahanta J. Clinico-epidemiological study of leptospirasisis in certain parts of north-eastern region. J Commun Dis 1999; 31 :201 -202
  117. Mahanta B, Handique R,Dutta P , Mahanta J. Temporal variations in biting rhythm of Culex quinquefasciatus in tea agro-ecosystem of Assam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1999 ; 30 :804-809
  118. Mohapatra PK, Anil Prakash, Bhattacharyya DR and Mahanta J. Malaria epidemic in northeastern India: Three case studies. In (M C Bora ed.) Proceedings of International conference on Disaster Management. Tezpur University 1999 :511-520
  119. Hazarika NC, Biswas D, Narain K, Phukan RK, Kalita HC, Mahanta J. Differences in blood pressure level and hypertension in three ethnic groups of Northeastern India. Asia Pacific J Public Health 2000; 12: 71-78
  120. Bhattacharyya DR, Prakash Anil, Tewari SC, Mohapatra P.K and Mahanta J. Armigeres joloensis (Diptera:Culicidae). a rare mosquito in upper Assam: First report from India. Entomon 2000;25:63-65
  121. Chelleng PK, Narain K, Das HK, Chetia M and Mahanta J. Risk factors for cancer nasopharynx: A case control study from Nagaland, India. Natl Med J India. 2000; 13 : 6-8
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